Archive for June, 2010

Meeting the family.


Okay so we don’t want to be those people who post thousands of pictures of their new dog, dressed up in all sorts of weird and tacky outfits, giggling hysterically as if it was the cutest thing we’ve ever seen.

But then again we just might be.

Our new addition.


Tomorrow, our family of two is officially becoming a family of two and a quarter.

Meet our new dog.  Her name is Jeans.

Weekend Round-up

Just got back from my glorious writing retreat, courtesy of the magical Chris Fraser.  I’m not quite adjusted to city life yet and feeling distinctly discombobulated.  But it was a great great time.



“Gently” toasted pine nuts courtesy of the Universe and my wondrous friend Nicole Stamp.  This was in preparation for a pesto sauce (made with basil from our garden) that was to be shared the first evening of our retreat.



Cottages lit from within by both ambient lighting and brilliant hearts.



Georgian Bay in one of her many moods.



The moon setting the water aflame.*

(*I wish this was my idea but it’s not.  I knocked it off from a poem that Sharon Fehrmann wrote over the weekend.  Amazing.)



The luminous Danette Relic, whom I count myself as lucky to have met at last year’s retreat.  We instantly connected and who could’ve predicted how entwined our journeys would be for the year coming.  There aren’t many people that I can sit in a car with for 3 hours, then have dinner with and then spend the evening walking and exploring our neighbourhood together, while talking the entire time.   But this lady, she’s special.


So that was my weekend.  How was yours?

Out-of-office post!

I’m off to a writing retreat for the weekend, up on the glorious Georgian Bay.  Things have been a bit hectic lately but all will be revealed very very soon.

In the meantime, here’s a little slideshow of photos I took at last year’s retreat.  I feel completely unprepared this time around but I’m certain that I’ll be back feeling renewed and refreshed.

Have a great & safe weekend everyone!

I have a thing for lights on a string.


A Tuesday night treat.


Unfriendly birds in the sky.


They were right above us.  That booming staccato, growing larger and louder.  People looking up in their yards, hands shielding their eyes in an involuntary salute.  My wide-angle lens shrinking them down but I could see them clearly, closely.  Black, unmarked, ominous.

This is going to be a great weekend to get the heck outta town.

Showing love to the fathers in our lives.


Birthday Sparkles


Stepping through shadows and light and hoping we’ll find a way.


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