Archive for February, 2012

A little “Hello” with a side of “I’ll be right back, I promise.”


I know it’s been awhile.  Like, a long long looooong while.  Seriously, where did January AND February go?  And how is it that March arrives tomorrow??

2012 has come in a like a lion which has been an absolute blessing for all things — except this blog.  Not sure if it’s because of the unseasonably warm and snow-less winter we’ve been having but I was really looking forward to a season of hibernating that, alas, never materialized.

As the work came, and the days and weeks slipped on by, I would make mental plans for a long-overdue and long-winded update.  There would be photos and stories and jokes and balloons and everything — and all 2 of you who read this (Hi Mom! Hi Dad!) would be so thrilled.

Unfortunately, this is not that update.

At the moment, Husbo and I are actually on vacation.  We’re soaking up some LA sunshine and spending time with our brand-new niece.  I’m trying hard to avoid my laptop and am only sort of succeeding (I’m here, aren’t I?).

Nonetheless, I am taking lots of photos and once I’m back next week, I will be back with said long and long-winded update.  (You’re excited, I can tell.)


Until then, I’ll leave you with a little bit of news:

Photos that I took at Rebecca & Jaimes’s Brick Works wedding last year have been featured on The Wedding Co.’s blog and you can see them here!  (Yay!)


OK that’s all I’ve got for now!  I’ll be back next week and am now “officially” on holidays where my only goal is to teach myself how to relax.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


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